Brentwood Bears Basketball

All Change, Please...
Re-Building, after the creation of The Lion's Den
'Good comes to those who wait'... A phrase that has been delivered to the team for two seasons, and it holds more meaning now than ever as we venture into a 2016-17 journey with scores to settle on teams both past & present!
Fact, results show that we don't have the best of winning records over our past five seasons competing in the Essex League. Fact, only two original players remain in our current roster, but, also a Fact is that we all have something to prove to both ourselves and those who've been on this adventure with us, be that past present or future team members! With that, the resounding message echoing across the team... #BearsStandUp

Under New Management!
An Injection of New Life brings in a New Era
After last season's disappointment the 2014-15 season offered a lot of early promise, following a new batch of dedicated players joining our ranks and a healthy depth of roster at all positions. However, with no assigned Head Coach in place, it was down to the Team Manager to command gamedays and become an Assistant Coach, alongside the new player tag-team of Seth Jones and Ryan Fagg, who took over the reigns as Coaching Lead and Assistant Coach respectively.
Consisting of founding members, veteran players and our new coaching setup, a new look Committee was formed (pictured) and some positive play was ahead. However, without an assigned HC our games lacked consistency, so an answer to the formula was needed...
The Transition Season
Our 2014-15 journey hits speed-bumps
The 2014-15 season would see a 'changing of the guard', with Coach Larry's departure shortly followed by Captain to date, Greg Mead, as well as some other original founding team members.
Only two remaining 'originals' left, in Mike Crumpton and Paul Newman, so new players were installed. With a new-look roster, mid-season dramas and no time to gel, 2014-15 saw the Bears experience an unfortunate winless season... But players who stayed enjoyed the game (pictured) and we lived to ball another day!

Coach Larry Era...
Season's 2 and 3 (2012-13 and 2013-14)
On conclusion of season one, Bears part-time Coach, Ross Bartley, left us to pursue other commitments, at which point we brought in a new leader.
Coach Larry led us to records of 1-15 and 4-12 respectively through season's 2 and 3, at a time where the level of play in the League increased whilst our team balance lost its way. Midway through the 2013-14 season we would have our highest scoring loss to date, at home to Shoebury Academy, 95-103.
The Opening Season...
Our Essex Basketball League Adventure Begins!
Following extended League preparation, after we decided too late about entering the 2010-11 season, our journey into the Essex League finally began in September 2011. Our inaugural game saw us take on Southend Players in the 1st round of the Essex Cup, a team we lost to in both our first and last games of the season, with the final game being our first visit to the Division 2 Plate Final.
This opening season saw us finish with a 6-18 record. One highlight
came in the form of our first League game win (pictured), which was our first ever competitive game, against League favourites Southend Saints 2... They weren't happy with the loss!! Another notable highlight was of course our first visit to 'Finals Day'.

Creation of The Bears
The Calm before The Storms!
It all started many moons ago, on two court's far-far away...
The first was in Ingatestone, specifically Anglo School, with the other being in Hutton, at St. Martin's School.
At Anglo, led by honorary Bears HOS ('Hall of Stars') Player, Andy and assisted by Paul Newman, players of all ages came together every Monday night for an open session of Basketball. Meanwhile, in the Boy's Sports Hall at St. Martin's, another team of ballers were being led by Greg Mead and David Byrne. One day it was discovered that there was a close mutual friend between Greg, Dave and Paul, then an offer of playing one another's group came about and an open session at St. Martin's followed. Our first friendly was against neighbours, Brentwood Fire (pictured), and the Bears were about to be Born...